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Wednesday 16 December 2009

CONTRACT ACT, 1950 (Revision)

Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. Ltd. advertised that they would offer £1,000 to anyone who still succumbed to influenza after using a certain remedy for a fixed period. The plaintiff duly used it but, nevertheless, contracted influenza. The plaintiff then sued for the money. The Court of Appeal held the plaintiff was entitled to the £1,000 as she had accepted the offer made to the world at large.

In this case, the advertisement of an unilateral contract was held to be an offer.

Advertisement is an offer or an invitation to treat (ITT) depends on the intention of the parties in each case. The courts have held that advertisements of bilateral contracts are not offers whereas advertisements of unilateral contracts are construed to be offers.

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COPYRIGHT ACT 1987 (Revision)

Section 3 : Interpretation
This section is about the definitions – Literary work/ dramatic work / literary @ dramatic work..(see further).

Section 7 : Works Eligible for Copyright
This section more about the works that shall be eligible for copyright, the purpose, ineligible for copyright…(see further)

Section 13: Nature of Copyright in literary, musical or artistic works, films and sound
About the nature of Copyright; exclusive rights to control in Malaysia…(see further)
13A: Design Documents and Models
13B: Effect of Exploitation of Design derived from artistic Work
13C: Things done in Reliance on Registration of Design

Section 36: Infringements
Infringements of Copyright…(see further)

Section 41: Offences
41A: Compounding of Offences

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Here I attached the Poster. It is simple but meaningful. From above; the Copyright symbol 'C', protect the whole box from the acid. "Water prove". Cool huh? :)
It means, you need to protect your invention works to make sure that you not doing for others people. It is safe, secured for your future because here in Malaysia also created the Copyright Act 1987 to protect inventor.


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CYBER CRIME (Revision)

Nowadays, most of the people used computer to make their live better and easier. But, those people who are not responsible used computer as their medium to do their criminal jobs via internet.

In Malaysia, the Government introduced Computer Crimes Act in 1997, however, this Act does not cover most of the criminals that related to the computer.

Here, are some of the Sections that I want to share with you:

Section 2(1) – the definition of the computer

Section 3 – provides for offences of unauthorized access to computer material

Section 5 – provides for an offence of unauthorized modification of the contents of any


Section 7 – if the unauthorized access is not succeed

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Saturday 12 December 2009

Why soo cheap??

"DVD's Only 10 ringgit Sir...If you buy 5, I will give you 40 ringgit"
Wow..It looks great rite? Cheapest ever..It is!!
But, hold on for a second..

Do you know, the DVD's that you buy actually can harm the 'owner'? I am not talking about the seller,I am talking about the real publisher/ real DVD's owner..
PLUS, you also gave some support for the seller to sell more when you contribute some money to them (when you pay to buy).

Well,If we were to take a very simplistic view of the copyright landscape in Malaysia, we could be forgiven for surmising that Malaysia is a country of suppliers, retailers and consumers of pirated VCDs and DVDs of music and films, and software; and that copyright law basically deals with criminal activities.

We also could be forgiven for thinking that the question of balance under our copyright law is a non-issue. Indeed, copyright owners may feel, given the proliferation of pirated products, the balance is heavily stacked against them; while consumers may think that enforcement activities have unfairly prejudiced or frustrated their access to cheap and ready supplies of copyright works, and conclude that the balance is most definitely tilted in favor of the copyright owners.


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Friday 11 December 2009

Elements of Contract (review for final exam)

A contract is a legally binding agreement between 2 or more persons for a particular purpose and it is enforcement by Law.(Contracts Act 1950)

The essential elements of a contract are:

  • 1. Agreement (Offer and Acceptance)

    • An agreement is formed when one party accepts the offer of another and involves a "meeting of the minds".

  • 2. Consideration

    • Both parties must have provided consideration, ie, each side must promise to give or do something for the other.

  • 3. Intention to create Legal Relations

    • The parties must have intended their agreement to have legal consequences. The law will not concern itself with purely domestic or social agreements.

  • 4. Certainty

    • In some cases, certain formalities (that is, writing) must be observed.

  • 5. Capacity

    • The parties must be legally capable of entering into a contract.

  • 6. Consent

    • The agreement must have been entered into freely. Consent may be vitiated by undue influence.

  • 7. Legallity

    • The purpose of the agreement must not be illegal or contrary to public policy.

<Further reading>

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Tuesday 8 December 2009

PDP 2009

When you served your internet,how sure you are that you secured enough? I am not talking about your computer machine, but your 'Data'.

Let me give you some example. Do you have any social networking such as Facebook, myspace, tagged.etc? how sure you are that no one watching you through online?

Well, it is so hard to think coz most of us not like them (those who are master to internet). What you need to do is to know what you right when you doing online transaction especially e-transactions.

Congrates to Malaysian Government coz finally they come out with the Law to protect consumer's data (online) - PDP BILL 2009 <news>

This Act is Vital in protecting our privacy and to safeguard our personal information.

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